auf Deutsch

Our Team

Any organization providing translation services is only as good as the people who actually produce the translations. Here at Keyword, we spend considerable time and effort selecting the translators we use, and this selection procedure forms the cornerstone of our ability to deliver top-quality outcomes.

Unlike many large agencies, we do not purchase translations from less experienced, less skilled translators and then have the translation copy-edited by a more experienced translator. Instead, we use the best throughout the process. As colleagues, we constantly support each other with technical and translation issues, leveraging a total of some 200 years of experience in the business!

As diverse as a small group of people can possibly be, the entire team at Keyword shares many values and skills:

  • A high degree of linguistic proficiency
  • Extensive knowledge in stated areas of expertise
  • Many years of professional experience
  • Absolute reliability with regard to deadlines
  • Sufficient honesty to turn down assignments where reliable quality cannot be assured
  • A willingness to ask detailed questions and conduct research to clarify formulations and terminology rather than simply make assumptions
  • An ability to handle complex document formatting competently as necessary